Friday, September 01, 2006

A Better Place { to us? }

Cry for me no more the many tears of sadness My time in this world was over and it came for me to pass. Bring the photos of old time and see them not with tear-filled eyes But with eyes of joy and laughter and smile once more with me. Know that I am in a better place one without disease without hatred and without death This kingdom I now call home I wait here for you When your time comes to pass to ease the transition from the old to the new. Cry for me no more. Remember only the laughter. For I am in another realm And I wait to see you again.

In Memory of You

As we feel your presence anew, we are filled with warmth and our heart remembers love. we remember who you used to be the laughter we shared and wonder what you have become. Where are you now, Where did you go, When the body is left behind and the spirit is released to fly?

Perhaps you are the morning bird singing joyfully at sunrise, or the butterfly that dances so carelessly on the breeze or the rainbow of colors that brightens a stormy sky or the fingers of afternoon mist delicately reaching over the mountains or the final few rays of the setting sun lighting up the skies edging the clouds with a magical glow.
we miss your being but we feel your presence, In whatever form you choose to take, however you now choose to be. Your spirit has become for us a guardian angel on high guiding, advising, and watching over us. we remember you. You are with us and we are not afraid.


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